Rules for ICEO&SI 2020 Registration:
All participants should register and pay registration fee.
Online Registration is not considered complete until the Registration Fee and relevant documents are received.
Registration Fee to "ICEO&SI 2020 Registration Fee" page.
ICEO&SI 2020 Registration Fee
Payment Options:
Credit Transfer: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB and U card are accepted
Please download the credit card authorization letter: download and email back to
or fax to TGEO Office: +886-3-658-9470
Wire Transfer:
帳號(A/C No.):0473-940-012823
銀行名稱(代號):玉山銀行(808);分行名稱:壢新分行 ; 分行代碼 0473
32048 桃園縣中壢市民族路328號
Account Name: Taiwan Group on Earth Observations
Account NO: 0473-940-012823
Bank Name: E. SUN BANK (808) ; Lisin Branch ; Branch NO 0473
No.328, Minzu Rd., Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 320-48, Taiwan (R.O.C.)